Modern web frontend development with Python, HTMX and friends

Speaker: Sheena O'Connell

Track: Web

Type: Tutorial

Room: Tutorial Room 1

Time: Oct 02 (Wed): 09:00

Duration: 4:00

Once upon a time, if you wanted to build a modern web experience using a Python based web framework, an obvious choice was to expose a bunch of APIs and build your frontend in something else entirely (eg React).

Times have changed.

Tools like HTMX and AlpineJS have made HTML great again.

These tools make full stack web dev fast and fun, they simplify development, shrink code bases, and give backend devs the ability to do modern frontend work. In my personal experience I've seen the adoption of these tools lead to massive productivity gains for junior and senior devs alike.

This workshop will walk you through the process of building and testing a CRUD application with a rich and modern frontend.

As we build this out, you will implement a few patterns for handling some of web development’s most common frontend requirements. For example, hydration.

We'll be making use of:

  • Django
  • HTMX
  • a sprinkle of AlpineJS
  • a touch of of Tailwindcss
  • Playwright for testing

Even though this is a Django-based tutorial, we wont be covering any super advanced Django functionality. Our focus will be on the frontend, and testing the frontend.

If you would like to see what these tools are about, here are a few talks:

This is a full day tutorial, and continues in the afternoon session

Thinkst Canary
Python Software Foundation SARAO
AWS City of Cape Town
Afrolabs Centre for High Performance Computing
Black Python Devs